This 72 page file contains a teaching power powerpoint on Dr. King that introduces the students to his life. The powerpoint has two embedded videos–one that highlights service (with Dr. King’s voice) and the other is about the march on Washington. There is a brief read aloud plan for the book, “Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day” and an excerpt from Dr. King’s ‘I Have A Dream’ speech. Students will discuss the importance of character through analyzing a short close text of the speech.
There is a pocket chart timeline activity that can be used to introduce students to the concept of a timeline during whole group reading. Students can extend this learning with a personal timeline that is also provided in this pack.
I’ve added a writing unit to this pack as well. There are resources for opinion based writing, narrative writing, and informative writing as well. I’ve even included a mini-checklist for students to use while peer editing.
I’ve also added an MLK Craftivity to use as a culminating activity if you so choose! 🙂
Finally, I’ve included a few worksheets/thinking maps that can be used to deepen the understanding of the content being covered.
Lots of love went into this pack! 🙂
I hope you enjoy using it as much as I enjoyed making it! 🙂
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