We're in a season when being a campus leader is challenging.I don't know about you, but these days, I'm about less and not more.The idea of 'leading' sounds like a lot and who wants to be overwhelmed right?When I was asked to chair my team this year--for the first time in 25 years of teaching--I was a little overwhelmed and a lot humbled.We honestly had the best year together and it wasn't at all ...
Setting Up My Google Drive for the Grade Level
By Tamara
Last year, I was assigned the role of grade chair for my grade level.Leading your peers can be an overwhelming proposition. With a little planning and preparation, grade chairing can be a breeze.Becoming a successful grade chair is more about how well you empower others to work collectively and much less about 'leading'. One of the ways that you can very easily facilitate communication is to use ...
Sha’Carri and Kamila and Pandemic Teaching: How the Rules Aren’t Fair for Everybody
I grew up in an Olympics loving household. My mom allowed me to get me some very short lived ice skating lessons after seeing Debi Thomas skate in the 1988 Olympics. We loved the summer games too ...
Teaching Area in Third Grade
This week, my students and I are exploring area in our whole group math instruction!Area is a ton of fun to teach! This year, I tried something new! I introduced the basics of area and perimeter at ...
5 Things to Take to Administration
Have you ever wondered, "Is this something I should take to my administrator?" I know early on in my career, I wondered that a lot. The best administrators honestly care about you as a person. They ...
Multiples of Ten for Thirds
Happy January to you all!Teaching multiples of ten is one of my favorite units!We do lots of base ten work for students who need that hands on piece, but then we use different break apart strategies ...
Beyond the Dream: 8 Revolutionary Quotes from Dr. King
Martin Luther King Jr was not just a man with a dream.He was a man of great purpose and passion. He spoke often about his frustration with white ambivalence to change, hyper-militarization and ...
How to Teach the 50 States
Here in Florida one of the state requirements for third grade social studies is teaching the 50 states within their 5 regions. It's one of my favorite things to teach! One of the things I've learned ...
A Teacher’s Life
5 Lessons for Teachers from Coach John Calipari
I've got to tell you. For years, I've been a NON fan of John Calipari. Seriously, a NON fan. There is something about the idea of a ...