Character ed is a very important part of any classroom community. The purpose of this particular unit is to help students to contemplate gratitude and practice it in every day situations.

Lesson 1: What is thankfulness?
In this lesson, students read a mentor text on thankfulness and complete a circle map on the topic. An original song on Thankfulness anchors the unit.
Lesson 2: I’ve got what I need (needs & wants lesson)
This lesson features a you tube video to start the learning. They discuss the difference between needs and wants and sort cards to show their understanding of ‘making the tough choice’. An original song wraps up the lesson and cements learning.
Lesson 3: Got thankfulness?
This lesson has lots of role playing and also includes talking chips so that students can work in small groups. A original song about thankfulness wraps up the lesson here as well!
Lesson 4: Showing thankfulness with words and actions
Students talk about ways that they can show gratitude with their words and actions.
Lesson 5: What am I thankful for?
After reading the mentor text of your choice, have students role play using their words to describe why they are thankful for specific people and things.
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