***UPDATE! Katie King over at Queen of the First Grade Jungle is having a Techy Teacher Tuesday Linky! So, I am linking up my post with her today! If you’d like a few more ‘tech tips’, please click on the linked image below to go over to her site and get some helpful hints…or link up a current ‘techie’ blog posting to her webpage! ;)*** ***UPDATE #2: Found ANOTHER Techie Linky over at Technology Tailgate, so, I’m linking up over there as well! So…if you love technology…go check out lots of fabulous ideas!!! :)**
Hello everyone! ๐
I’ve really been working on my ‘Techie-ness’ over the past several months! Other bloggers have truly inspired me with their creativity! ๐ Many times, I’d look at other people’s blog postings and think that it would be impossible for me to learn to do some of the things that I see, but…after doing a little ‘googling’, I’ve found a few quick tips that have helped me update my blog and make it more user friendly.
Today’s Tech Tip with Tamara:
Hyperlinking an image

Simply stupendous!!!! ๐
Thanks for the tip!
Sticky Notes & Glitter: A First Grade Adventure!
You are most welcome!! ๐
It worked!!! Yay thank you so much!!!
x Serena x
Magic Mistakes & Mayhem