It’s time for another installment of My Truth Monday with Denise Boehm over at

Last week was all about fitness but this week is all about creepy stuff!
Before we talk about what creeps me out…can I tell you something that I really LOVE?
Seriously…if you haven’t tried this…you NEED to! ๐
They are the most delicious thing I’ve had ALL week! ๐
You can NOT eat just one! ๐
Alright…now…on to the creepy…
Seriously…to this DAY I don’t eat ANY hot or cold cereal EVER.
Too much childhood cereal trauma probably! LOL! ๐
The only time I ever watch anything scary is tucked neatly into the side of my sweet husband.
I usually have to have my hands over my eyes and I peek through my fingers…but…I still consider it watching! ๐
New scary shows that we watch together?

And well…the creepy classroom critters?
That’s a given! Who likes ANY of those in their rooms???
LOL! ๐
What creeps you out during Halloween???
Can’t wait to read about it! ๐
Oh…and if you need some Halloween freebies for kinders or firsties, check out my store! ๐
There’s a TPT store link over on the right side of my blog! ๐
I’ve got a few cute ones in there! ๐