Happy Tuesday to everyone! We’re taking a look at the seventh chapter of the book Teach Like A Pirate by Dave Burgess! If you would like to link up…please check out either Gina’s page, or Jen’s! ๐

Let’s get started! ๐

Now, I like steak as much as the next person, but…I can’t tell you that if someone served it to me raw I’d be willing to eat it. In today’s chapter, Burgess asserts that although teachers may understand the content, and the techniques to deliver the content, they don’t always know how to PRESENT the content, and therefore their lessons are lacking.
He says that the preparation and presentation are everything.
Teachers sometimes present their lessons like a raw steak and expect the students to just eat it up and be thankful for it, too!:)
Making each lesson engaging by keeping a right rhythm and flow is critical to students staying with whatever it is you are doing in your classroom. I love to use video clips to introduce things for the kids, but when it won’t cue up properly, I lose valuable time and have to re-engage my students in whatever I am teaching.
Being prepared before the lesson even starts is KEY to a successful lesson. This was something that really spoke to me. I think I have really great ideas, but sometimes, because I’m doing a bunch of things, I don’t always prepare things ahead of time like I should, and so during the lesson, I’m re-setting things and getting things ‘on the fly’.
Even though most of the time, my humor and my quick thinking will get my firsties back in the game fairly quickly, smoothing out my transistions by spending just that extra few minutes prepping the day before will help me not have to always rely on my personality to bring my class back to focus and make the lessons flow much easier.