Looking for passages to enhance your Arctic unit?
You’ll want the passages in this pack! It is the PERFECT compliment to an Arctic Animals Unit. These non-fiction texts would pair beautifully with fiction texts you’re reading that feature animals of the arctic, or winter! 🙂 Wonderful as enrichment, whole group instruction or even small group! Take a look! The preview includes a sample.
There are 10 passages. I’ve provided a conversion chart that is specific to the passages. I’ve lexiled each individual passage and aligned them to AR, DRA & Fountas & Pinnell. You can give your students something to read for their nightly fluency that meets their needs or work with them in class on it too! 🙂
On each fluency sheet, there is a grid for you or a parent to log how many words per minute the student reads, and some scaffolded comprehension questions for the students as well. The questions are rigorous and provide opportunities for the students to discuss their thinking about the text with their parents–rather than provide a yes or no answer. Each page has numbered lines for ease of grading!
Each fluency passage has both oral and written comprehension questions. The written comprehension questions include text coding and even a ‘research’ question! Students will not be able to get the answer directly from the text…they will have to seek out an additional source. I can tell you that item has been a hit with my learners!
This Arctic Fluency Set features the following topics:
The Iditarod
The Importance of Sled Dogs
Endangered Animals
The Inuit
The Arctic
Arctic Transportation
The Tundra
Totem Poles
If you’re needing passages for a Black History Month Unit, you’ll want to check out these other sets!
The following influential Black Americans are featured in this pack:
The Emancipation Proclamation
The Confederacy
Secret Codes
Wendell Phillips
Harriet Beecher Stowe
The Gettysburg Address
Arthur Ashe
Hank Aaron
Rosa Parks
Looking for other fluency passages at a lower level? I have a first grade set too!
The following influential Black Americans are featured in this pack:
George Washington Carver
Jesse Owens
Jackie Robinson
Harriet Tubman
The Underground Railroad
Madame CJ Walker
Booker T. Washington
Barack Obama
Ella Jo Baker
Sojourner Truth
Looking for fluency that meets your needs throughout the rest of the year?
Check out the bundles I have!
This pack has four packs that will last the entire year in first grade. Each passage is leveled so that you can offer your student the perfect level for their small group work or homework.
This pack features 60 seasonal fluencies on a variety of high interest topics for first graders. This pack is geared towards the higher end of first grade, and would be most appropriate at the beginning of the year for enrichment…and in the middle and end of the year for on grade level supplemental resources.
************DID YOU KNOW THERE IS A BUNDLE FOR SECONDS????************
Click on the link to see the passages offered!
************CHECK OUT THE BUNDLE FOR THIRDS!!!!************
Need some on grade level passages? I have differentiated fluency for firsties and kinders as well!
Check out the Differentiated Fluency for FIRST BUNDLE
Or my kindergarten sets:
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