This week we took a look at some great texts to help us understand a little bit more about 9-11 and the impact it had on our country. That year, I was living right outside of Washington D.C. My Christian school worked with many military families. Parents were coming in from the Air Force Base, and even from the Pentagon in tears. I was in my fourth year of teaching that year, and even to this day…it’s crazy how those moments in time came right back to me as I was reading these stories, or contemplating these lessons. I grew up in New Jersey. My mom’s New Jersey office faces the Battery area of New York. People were in her office looking across the water when the towers went down. There was ash on the cars in the parking lot of her office building. To any one who is from that area…it’s just like reopening a wound each year…but reading about the heroes of that day brings a bit more healing for me each time I do it!
After reading several different stories, we created this collage craft. We talked about American symbols and the importance of celebrating events in our country’s history so that we can learn from the past. The craft was simple to put together. I just sliced the paper on my paper cutter, and let them cut out the stars.
These are the dimensions that I used, if you’d like to try this out with your class! 🙂
Click HERE to download the STARS template for the collage craft. |
This is a tough day to remember, but it can really be healing to focus on how far we’ve come since then!
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