Those of you that follow me know that I am a lover of Common Core–even at the primary level. One of the issues that I’ve had with the implementation is the fundamental misunderstanding of how children read–on the part of those who publish basal texts. My county adopted a basal text and expects us to use it as a resource. I like many of the stories that my students have been exposed to in the time that we’ve been using the textbook…but beyond that…I find myself frustrated. Our text–although relatively new to us–is five years old. Common practice with regard to the expectations of CCSS are quite different today than they were when the standards first came out. Here are a few things that I think contribute to building great readers for the long term.
Want to have this sample for your class? Click HERE to download the apples passage. |
As progressive as students are today, there is no substitute for the tried and true methods of teaching reading. No matter what systems come and go, remember that the proper progression with primary aged learners goes a long way into creating the foundations of a great reader.