Today’s all about Winter Themed Items! ๐ I’ve got a fun Long A Freebie for you, and my Winter Edition of Bridging the Gap for Firsties!
Here’s what’s included in my Long A Freebie!
Want to have it for your class?
Download it from TPT HERE! ๐
Have you tried out my new series of fluency passages for your advanced firsties?
Bridging the Gap has been WONDERFUL for my learners. They get material that is on their level, and get to work on comprehension strategies too! Both my students & parents love these!
They are leveled to three different literacy programs so that you can make it fit your needs. Each of the passages are between a 1.6 and a 2.0. So your students who need a challenge can get what they need!
If you want to use it as an assessment tool, there are unnumbered versions of the passages!
It’s a one stop shop! ๐
You’ll love it!
Introducing the Progressive Bundle!
Since completing these are a work in progress…I call this bundle a progressive one! ๐
As I complete the unit, I will add it to the zip file for you!
The key to this, is that you get to pay one price and you never have to pay again. When I am done, the bundle will be $20.00. It will have four different 15 passage units, plus a bonus set of 10. I’m really giving these away at this price, so…if you like my fluency, and use it as homework throughout the year, then you need to get a progressive bundle! It’s cheaper and you’ll get the passages each quarter when you need them!
If you already have purchased the first two in this set and you’re interested in the bundle, please contact me. I will work with you on this! ๐
Want to win both the Fall and Winter Editions of Bridging the Gap for your classroom? Well, enter my rafflecopter! ๐ One lucky winner will win these fluency passages from me! ๐ I will announce a winner on the last day of Crazy 8! ๐