Can you believe that a whole year has passed by?
Last year was the first time I set goals for myself and posted them. If you want to check them out, they are HERE. I did super great in some areas, but there are a few others that I will try to redouble my efforts on. At least putting them here helps me to stay a bit more accountable! ๐

Is it tacky to say that I’d love to be in the newsletter for TPT? I mean, if I’m being honest…it would be SUPER COOL! ๐ Takes a bit of work on my part though…I have to submit a bunch of times…and really I get busy and forget, but, I need to work on that more!
I would love to do more traveling!
That trip I took to NYC with Tammy and Leigh was the best idea EVER! I want to do that again this year! ๐
I would like to do a bit more with my house.
I have a cute place, but…I need to paint the walls and add some touches…I’ve started…let’s see if I continue. Something I’d really like to do is get hardwood floors! ๐
I would like to get back to Chicago again this year! It’s a great town! ๐ Let’s see if I make it! ๐
Indian food. It seems a bit foreign to me…but…this year, I’m going to give it a go at some point!
I think I really need to start working on the business end of TPT. Hopefully this year, I’ll really get ahold of that!
Chewing ice. You’ll probably think that’s really wierd, but since I have battled anemia…it’s a habit I’ve picked up. ๐ Not a good one. Hopefully, as my iron levels improve, my need to chew on ice will diminish!
I would like to be able to run a 12 minute mile!
You might think that’s not very fast, but…with as bad as my anemia has been, I get winded walking up a flight of stairs and too much cardio makes me dizzy. ๐
Here’s to 2015 being my year to get well!