Happy Friday to you all! 🙂
I’m linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching today! 🙂
I haven’t done it in a while, but…after a long week, it’s fun to get a chance to talk about some of what I did this week with the kids! 🙂

This week, I whipped out my first sentence scrambles for the kids! 🙂
Next week they will have their first word order test. This station worked out really well this week to help them start processing that particular skill.
Next week they will have their first word order test. This station worked out really well this week to help them start processing that particular skill.
If you would like to use this free resource with your learners, please click HERE!

My intern Casey is taking over a little at a time. This week, he started working on morning meeting! 🙂 It’s been a great time for him to get a chance to talk with the kids informally while still reviewing content that is important for math!
He’s doing fantastically!
He’s doing fantastically!

We did our first week in our interactive phonics notebooks! 🙂 It was so much fun! 🙂 I am so thankful to Tammy from The Resourceful Apple!
If you would like to check this resource out more fully, please check out the preview in her store! 🙂 Click HERE to see it! 🙂
Now that this is our second week of school, I’ve started to work on a few things with the kids-namely, pencil grip! I’ve been combing pinterest for ideas! I came up with a few that I liked, and I will start that next week.
Check out this post from the Teaching Ace to find out more about the way that she does pencil grip instruction for strugglers! 🙂
Check out this post from the Teaching Ace to find out more about the way that she does pencil grip instruction for strugglers! 🙂
Last week, I picked up a few of these from Staples! 🙂
They write so well and are so smooth! They were 99 cents a piece! I have four! Pink, Purple, Blue and Orange!How many of you love pens and love picking them up for cheap in Staples and Office Depot!?
They write so well and are so smooth! They were 99 cents a piece! I have four! Pink, Purple, Blue and Orange!How many of you love pens and love picking them up for cheap in Staples and Office Depot!?