Welcome to March Friends!
I can not believe how quickly the year has moved forward, but…here we are in March!
Just a wonderful year so far!
I’m linking up with the ever so popular, Farley from Oh Boy Fourth Grade.
Have you seen her new blog design? I hardly recognized it! ๐
So beautiful! ๐ It was done by Michelle of 3 AM Designs!

If you are a Blackhawks fan, this man is a national treasure! ๐
Whenever he sings the anthem, the fans cheer the entire time–and I mean the ENTIRE time. The highlight is when he sings about how the ‘flag was still there’ and he points to it.
My husband points too. We don’t have a flag in the house, so, he points to the tv. He gets ALL INTO IT. It’s really kinda cute! ๐
Check out a video of him by clicking here. He starts getting to the ‘good part’ around 1:28! ๐
This QVC blanket is my favorite thing to wrap up in on the couch! ๐ So soft and snuggly!
I met some wonderful bloggers at the FL Blogger Meet Up today! ๐
Chai Tea and whipped cream…with a hint of cinnamon on top…made for me by my sweetie! ๐
He even put it in the Wonder Woman cup! ๐
To work on getting some wonderful science experiments together for my students this week! ๐
I am so excited to be using this unit from fellow a fellow Florida blogger named Cara over at…
This unit is really comprehensive and will be perfect for what I need over the next few weeks as we study force and motion! ๐ I can’t wait to jump in with my learners.
So the question is…
What is…Tamara’s 38th Birthday Celebration called?
My husband is almost 6′ 4. I’m 5′ 3′. So, for the longest time, I’ve been his ‘itty, bitty wife’.
He just shortens it and calls me Bitty…or Bitty Wife! ๐
We went out on Thursday for dinner, Friday night we went out with one of my childhood friends for a movie, Saturday was the Blogger Meet Up and Sunday is going to be a surprise! ๐
My birthday is Monday!
We will have cake at lunch! ๐
It’s going to be a great week! ๐