Happy Monday to you all! ๐
I am linking up with Jessica over at The First Grade Nest for her New Years Goals Linky! ๐
Here’s the thing about resolutions…
In my humble opinion…they need to be things that you know you are willing to do.
So, I made a list of things that I think are approachable goals that I’d be able to stick to! ๐
Here are a few goals that I’ve put together for the year…take a look! ๐

Last year, one of my goals was to have an intern.
This year, I am going to get one! ๐
I want to really think about my practice through the eyes of my intern so that I can be the best mentor EVER! ๐

This goal has to do with blogging! ๐
I want to focus more on blogging and less on product creation this year! ๐
I’ve spent a long time creating things, but…now, I just want to focus on using great tools and connecting with others.

This year, I’m going to focus on relaxing and enjoying the little moments more! ๐
I’m going to have one night a week where I’m unplugged! ๐
No tv. No computer….no kindle…just me doing something for me…or with my friends! ๐

I want to have a game night at my house with my girlfriends once a month! ๐
Just to spend time together! ๐

I would love to make enough extra money this year to go to the TPT Conference in Las Vegas this year!

I’m not too terribly picky, so…there’s nothing really that I would like to try that I haven’t already.
I WOULD however like to visit some celebrity chef restaurants and have a meal or too! ๐
Here at the Russell’s…we LOVE the Food Network! ๐

I would love to be a more well rounded blogger.
I want to get better at what I post. I want to be better at connecting with other teachers online.
I want to focus more on mentorship this year! ๐
Tomorrow’s post will be all about my brand new Differentiated Fluency Pack for Firsties!:)
You won’t want to miss it! ๐
That’s all for me! ๐
If you’re interested in sharing some of your resolutions and goals, head on over to the First Grade Nest!