So, I don’t know how many of you guys are in a state that’s adopted Dr. Marzano’s evaluation tools or techniques, but…here in Florida..we are all about Common Core AND Marzano! Just call us the ‘over-achieving’ state, I guess. *shrug* Anyway…the long and short of it is that our evaluation tool has four domains. The first one is all about our practice. Each year we are required to improve our scores in one specific area. This year, I am going to work on tracking student progress.
To show evidence of this…I’m required to:
1.) Have the individual students track their progress on the learning goal.
2.) Use formal and informal assessments to assign scores to the students based on scales and rubrics that I use to help my kids understand the learning goal.
3.) Chart the progress of the entire class on the learning goal.
In addition…my students need to…
1.) Describe their status relative to the learning goal using the scale or rubric…and
2.) Update their status on the learning goal.
Did I mention that I teach first grade? *sigh*
To say that this is challenging is an understatement. 🙁
So…I’ve been working on training my kids with the rubrics I’m using in class–which is AWESOME! But…I’m going to be evaluated soon…and so, I’m trying to familiarize the kids with the content and also with what I need them to perform for the evaluation as well.
Today I was teaching using the part/part whole strategy. I told the kids that I was going to be doing a ‘skill check’ today, which means that I am checking them against the rubric. My last story problem was…Mrs. Russell has 8 books. five are fiction, and the rest are non-fiction. Solve this problem using the part/part whole strategy and represent your thinking with a number sentence. This student was able to solve the problem using the strategy and represent their thinking with an appropriate number sentence, so…I told him that was a 3. I noticed that every time we did a problem…he wrote down what I said that he was from the rubric. When I asked him what he was doing, he told me that he was writing down his level so that he would remember for later! 🙂 So…if I could get one to see the value…the rest are not too far behind!
Hooray for me! 🙂
One down…only 19 more to go! 🙂