Happy Middle of the Week to Everyone!
I trust you’re enjoying some ‘Fun in the Sun’!
Although I am not out of school just yet, I know that some of the rest of you are! ๐
This summer, I’ll be hosting a Thursday linky party!
The idea behind it is this…
What are you doing for fun this summer?
I know that I’ve been working hard all school year, and it takes me a while to detach and do things that have nothing to do with work. I’m hoping that keeping myself accountable on my blog this summer will help with that! ๐
I want it to be low stress…so, just one thing would be enough!
It could be a picture of your toes after a really good mani/pedi.
Or…maybe a glass of wine on a small table near your deck where you like to read?
Maybe a picture of a great dinner you made?
Or a crochet project that FINALLY got done! ๐
One good picture and a few words to share how you treated yourself to something that made you happy! ๐
Just don’t forget to comment on whoever is before you, and whoever comes right after you! ๐
Now, I can not promise you that each week mine will not have to do with…
1.) Chocolate
2.) Coffee
3.) Wine
4.) A good book
(not necessarily in that order!)
But I CAN promise you that it will NOT be about school stuff! ๐
Sometimes, I just need to take a break and smell the roses, you know?
So, whether you’re out of school or not…
Link up with me on Thursday! ๐
I can’t wait to see what you guys do for yourselves this week to relax, refresh, or just have good, old fashioned fun! ๐