Hello everybodeee! 🙂
Sorry it’s been so long. I have had a few irons in the fire and am just now feeling like my head is starting to come above water! 🙂 Have you had a week like that? Anyway! 🙂 Let’s see what Latoya over at Flying into First has for us this week! 🙂
Today’s topic is to share about three random places in our classrooms that we like! 🙂
This year, I decided to go with a pirate theme in my classroom. I am really loving it! 😉 So here are a few ‘pirate-y parts’ of my room that I just can’t get enough of! 🙂
This is from the beginning of the year, but you can see that this area has tons of ‘pirate themed’ stuff. The skirt around my table has pirate ships and treasure map symbols. My brown bucket seats have a brown and white pattern on the top with…I know it sounds wierd…but cute skulls & anchors! 🙂 Even my jobs chart on the doors are treasure chests and the cafe wall is piratey too! 🙂
Next stop…
You’ll have to forgive the fact that there are no announcements on this, but this was taken at the beginning of the year when I was still setting up my classroom! 🙂 I made the tree out of small paper bags! The border is from old Christmas paper! 🙂 True story…my mom flew down this year to help me set up my room–since I was switching from third to first. She thought that the paper could work for me ‘for something’ because I did have quite a bit of red accents. She couldn’t fit the roll in her bag so she cut it in half. The effect when we cut the paper to fit the board was a frayed look! Almost like the bottoms of their pants or shirt sleeves. It looks really good up close! 🙂 Thank you, Mommy for the paper! 😉
I couldn’t find a picture of it in the classroom, but…currently it still has Chinese lanterns on it from Chinese New Year! 🙂 I’ll have to snap one today and update so you can see! The kids think it’s hysterical! 🙂
They love reading under it!
Thank you, Deanna Jump for this wonderful idea! 🙂
So…those are my cute little additions! 🙂
Also…I wanted to share with you that I am hosting a blog hop on Saturday night! 🙂
It’s specific to FLORIDA BLOGGERS!
We are looking forward to sharing some treasures with you! 🙂
Stop by my page on Saturday night around 7. I’ll have a freebie for you, and a paid product as well! 🙂 The other girls will do the same! 🙂 If you happen to download something from one of us…please stop in and say hello! 🙂 This will be a great opportunity for you to connect with other teacher/bloggers! 🙂
Thanks for stopping by!
Gotta get back to working on my Marvelous Morning Work for May Pack! 🙂
It’s going to be epic! 🙂
Have a great week! 🙂
Cecilia says
I pinned your small group area to my Pirate board so that I could refer to it for inspiration. Thanks for sharing!