Today, I am filled with the overwhelming sadness that is characterizing those of us that call ourselves, teachers, parents…even supporters of education today. My heart goes out to all of those men and women at that school who huddled frightened children into closets and corners, or out into nearby fields to protect them from ‘bad guys’ who were outside–to parents who had breakfast with their children, who are still waiting at this very moment to be reunited with them, but not in the way that they expected. I grieve for them.
Mental illness is real, and debilitating. People have lost their lives today, and really…there is not an answer for it. As a first grade teacher, I think about my own school, and my own students and their sweet families. If I had to explain all of this to them…I just hurt thinking about it. This Sunday, I will not be posting anything on my blog. Instead, I’ll be participating in a day of silence with several other teachers from the blogging community. I can’t personally help those dear people physically, but, the time I would have spent blogging, I will spend in prayer for them and what will undoubtedly be a difficult journey toward healing.
It feels awkward to transition to something other than the topic at hand, but…maybe in doing so, I can start to wrap my head around what I might be able to do with my firsties next week to help them focus on all that they have to be thankful for. I mentioned in the Currently that I was going to be doing ‘The Kind Kids Club’ next week.
Lyndsey over at *‘A Year of Many Firsts’* has developed a wonderful concept for her firsties that I’m going to adapt for my classroom. Check out her blog posting about how she does *Random Acts of Kindness* with her students. You can also check out her FREE download for the *‘Kind Kids Club’* on TPT and leave a bit ‘o feedback for her if you use it in your classroom.
Thank you Lyndsey for this wonderful idea! It will be a great way to spread love and support to our teachers and staff next week! I can’t wait to try it out! 🙂
Mrs. Wathen says
Well put Tamara. Praying the families and community find love and peace through all this senseless loss.
The Resourceful Apple
Tamara says
Thanks, Tammy! :/ Never thought I'd be posting my feelings on something like this. I can't help but think of what I would do if we were presented with this type of tragedy at our own school. I hurt all over just thinking about it. Prayer is the only way to get through this weekend.
Rebby says
It's been really rough. It's so tragic and I found myself immobilized by my grief for small moments yesterday. I don't think I'd be able to go back if something like that happened at our school. 🙁
Tamara says
I agree…I don't think I could go back to a place where my students were traumatized and I lost good professional partners and dear friends. 🙁
pinetreelia says
What a tragedy!! Mental illness is real and debilatating – we definitely need to support and recognize others who are dealing with mental illness!!
My Whole Brain Teaching Blog
A Grade One Nut and Her Squirrelly Crew